GCKey help - Canada.ca (2024)

You can use your GCKey username and password to sign in to most Government of Canada online accounts and services.

Anyone in any country can sign up and create a GCKey username and password to access online services.

On this page

  • GCKey is not an account
  • Browser errors and technical problems
  • Create a GCKey username and password
  • How to sign in using GCKey
  • Forgot your username or password
  • Change your GCKey password, email or authentication
  • What to do if your GCKey has been revoked

GCKey is not an account

A GCKey username and password can be used to sign in to any Government of Canada online account that supports GCKey.

It's not an account. Once you create a GCKey username and password, you still have to register for each online account to match them to your account profile.

Find the account or government service you want to use, then select the GCKey button

  • List of all accounts

You usually only need one GCKey username and password to sign in to any government service that supports GCKey.

For example:

  • create a GCKey username and password to register and reserve a campsite in My Parks Canada Reservation Account
  • then use your same GCKey username and password to register and sign in to My Service Canada Account to manage your Employment Insurance or Canada Pension

Browser errors and technical problems

You can use the same GCKey username and password on different computers, phones and tablets.

If you're getting error messages:

  • use a modern web browser like Safari, Chrome, Firefox or Microsoft Edge, rather than Internet Explorer
  • use your browser's default settings because GCKey needs JavaScript and cookies enabled
  • don't bookmark pages that you see after you sign in - you must sign in to see them
  • keep your browser updated

If you see one of these messages when you try to sign in, update your browser:

  • Page Can’t Be Displayed
  • Cannot Establish a Secure Connection
  • Page Not Available

You can usually find the option to update your browser in your browser menu's settings or preferences. If you are using Internet Explorer, update your browser to Microsoft Edge.

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How to create a GCKey username and password

  1. Find the account or government service you want to register for
    • List of accounts
  2. If that account uses GCKey as a sign-in option, select the GCKey button (sign in/ log in/ register with GCKey) to make a GCKey username and password
  3. On the Welcome to GCKey page, select theSign Upbutton
  4. Read and accept the Terms and Conditions of Use
  5. Create your username
  6. Create your password
  7. Create your recovery questions
  8. Enter a recovery email address
  9. You may be required to choose a method of two-factor authentication

You can also create more than one GCKey username and password.

Create your username

You can find rules for creating your username in theUsername Checklistbox on theCreate Your Usernamepage. You won't be able to proceed unless all requirements listed in that checklist are met.

As you enter a username a red “x” or a green checkmark will appear in theUsername Checklist. The “x” means you haven't met the username requirements. The checkmark means you have met the username requirements.

Each username needs to be unique. You'll receive a message if the username you create has already been used.

Tips for creating a username

When creating your username, you should:

  • make it easy for you to remember but hard for others to guess
  • avoid using personal information, such as your name, Social Insurance Number (SIN), mailing address, or email address
  • keep your username secure and don't share it with anyone
Create your password

You can find rules for creating your password in thePassword Checklistbox. You won't be able to proceed unless all password requirements are met.

As you enter a password a red “x” or a green checkmark will appear in thePassword Checklist. The “x” means you haven't met the password requirements. The checkmark means you have met the password requirements.

Confirm your password

Re-enter your password exactly as you entered it into theCreate Your Passwordfield. Both password must match or you won't be able to proceed.

Tips for creating your password

When creating your password, you should:

  • make it easy for you to remember but hard for others to guess
  • avoid using personal information, such as your name, Social Insurance Number (SIN), mailing address, or email address
  • keep your password secure and don't share it with anyone
Create recovery questions, answers and hints

Recovery questions are used to help you if you forget your password.

Your questions, answers and hints should be easy for you to remember but hard for others to guess.

Recovery questions and answers are required.

To create yours follow these steps:

  1. For the first question, choose a recovery question from Select a Recovery Question
  2. Enter an answer to the question in theMy Recovery Answer field
  3. Enter the name of someone you'll remember in theMemorable Person field
    • If you think you may forget the answer to this question, you can enter a hint in theMemorable Person Hint field
  4. Enter a date that you'll remember in theMy Memorable Date field
    • If you think you may forget the answer to this question, you can enter a hint in theMemorable Date Hint field
  5. SelectContinue
Add your email address in case you forget your username or password

On theOptional Account Recoverypage you should add an email address. This email address is used to help you recover your GCKey username if you forget your username or password. This step is optional but highly recommended.

As you enter an email address a red “x” or a green checkmark will appear in theEmail Checklist. The “x” means you haven't met the email requirements. The checkmark means you have met the email requirements.

If your email address has already been used

If your email address is associated with another GCKey username, a warning message will appear indicating that your email address is already in use.

You have 3 options:

  • Attempt to recover the username and/or password of the other GCKey username associated with that email address by following the process for username recovery or password reset
  • Register a different email address
  • Register the email address to your new GCKey username by completing the email address registration process
    • If you choose to complete this process, the system will remove the email address from your other GCKey username
Creating more than one GCKey username and password

You can have more than one GCKey username and password. For example, you may want one for work vs one for personal accounts.

If you do create more than one GCKey:

  • remember which username and password you use for each type of service
  • use a different recovery email address for each GCKey username

Note: If you have more than one GCKey, ensure you keep track of which GCKey you have associated with each government account. Once a GCKey is linked to a specific government account, you need to use the same GCKey username and password to sign in each time.

Two-factor authentication

Once you have created your GCKey username and password you may be asked to choose a method of two-factor authentication. This is an enhanced security measure that helps protect your personal information. Two-factor authentication requires you to confirm your identity each time you use a GCKey. This helps prevent unauthorized access to your online accounts and services.

On the Two-factor authentication page choose one of the authentication methods and follow the on-screen instructions.

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How to sign in using GCKey

Sign in the same way every time you use a Government of Canada online account. If you have used GCKey to sign in before, ensure you sign in with the same GCKey username and password you used to register for that online account.

To sign in with GCKey:

  1. On the sign-in page for the account you want to use, select the GCKey button (Sign in with GCKey)
    • List of accounts
  2. On the Welcome to GCKey page, enter the username and password you created when you first signed up for your GCKey
  3. Select the Sign In button
  4. You may be asked to select Continue to proceed to two-factor authentication.
    • Two-factor authentication is a security measure that helps protect your personal information. It requires you to confirm your identity each time you use a GCKey. This helps prevent unauthorized access to your online accounts and services.
  5. On the Two-factor authentication page choose one of the authentication methods and follow the on-screen instructions.

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Forgot your username or password

If you've forgotten your GCKey username or password, you'll need to recover them through the account you want to use:

  1. Find the account or government service you plan to use
    • List of accounts
  2. Select the GCKey button (Sign in with GCKey) to sign in to the account you want to use
  3. On the Welcome to GCKey page, select:
Forgot your username AND password

If you added a recovery email address to GCKey:

  1. Select Forgot your username? on the Welcome to GCKey page to have it emailed to you
  2. Once you receive your username through email, select Forgot your password? on the Welcome to GCKey page and follow the steps to reset it
If you didn't add a recovery email address to GCKey
  1. Follow the steps to create a new GCKey username and password
    • How to create a GCKey username and password
  2. Use the new GCKey username and password to register for a new account with the Government of Canada online service you are trying to access
    • During this process you may be able to recover your account or link existing applications to your new account
Forgot your username
  1. Select Forgot your username? on the Welcome to GCKey page
  2. Enter your recovery email address on the Recover Username Step 1 of 2 page:
  • you provided your recovery email either when you signed up for your GCKey username and password or at a later time
  • if you didn't add a recovery email address and have forgotten your username and password, you have to sign up for a new GCKey and register again with each of the accounts you use
  • Select Continue
    • You'll be brought to a page that explains where your username will be emailed to and what to do if you don't receive the email.
  • Select Continue again
  • Check your email, you should receive an email from GCKey with your GCKey username
  • Enter your username and password on the Welcome to GCKey page
  • Forgot your password
    1. Select Forgot your password? on the Welcome to GCKey page
    2. Enter your GCKey username
    3. Select Continue
      • If you entered an email address when signing up for your GCKey username then you should be able to reset your password by entering that email address
      • If you didn't enter an email address when signing up then follow the instructions in the Recovery Questions and Answers box
    Password reset using an email address
    1. If you entered your email address, check your email, you should receive an email from the Government of Canada with a confirmation code
    2. Enter the confirmation code you receive on the Forgot Your Password Step 2 of 4 page (this page should have automatically loaded for you after you entered your username and selected Continue on the Forget Your Password Step 1 page)
    3. Select Continue
    4. You'll be prompted with a recovery question
      • This is a question you would have answered when you first created a GCKey username and password
    5. Enter the answer to the question in the My Recovery Answer field
    6. Select Continue
    7. Enter a new password in the New Password field
    8. Re-enter that same password in the Confirm New Password field
    9. Select Continue
    10. Select Continue again on the Forget Your Password Complete page
    Password reset using recovery questions
    1. On the Forget Your Password Step 2 of 4 page, select the Recovery Q&A button in the Recovery Questions and Answers box
    2. Enter your answers in the My Recovery Answer, My Memorable Person Answer and My Memorable Date fields (you should find the questions/hints above each field)
    3. Enter a new password in the Create Your New Password field
    4. Enter the same password in the Confirm Your New Password field
    5. Select Continue
    6. If you correctly answered all the recovery questions you'll be brought to a page called Forget Your Password Complete
    7. Select Continue

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    Change your GCKey password, email or authentication

    First,sign in with GCKey:

    1. On the sign-in page for the account you want to use, select the GCKey button (sign in/ log in/ register with GCKey)
    • List of accounts
  • You'll see the Welcome to GCKey page
  • Enter the username and password you created when you first signed up for GCKey
  • Select the Sign in button
  • You can choose to:
  • Change your password

    If you select Change Your Password:

    1. Enter your current password in the first field
    2. Enter a new password in theCreate Your New Passwordfield
    3. Enter that same password again in theConfirm Your New Passwordfield
    4. SelectContinue
    Change your recovery questions

    If you select Change Your Recovery Questions:

    1. Enter your current password in the first field
    2. Choose a recovery question from theSelect a Recovery Question field
    3. Enter an answer to the question in theMy Recovery Answer field
    4. Enter the name of someone you'll remember in theMemorable Person field
      • If you think you may forget the answer to this question, you can enter a hint in theMemorable Person Hint field
    5. Enter a date that you'll remember in theMy Memorable Date field
      • If you think you may forget the answer to this question, you can enter a hint in theMemorable Date Hint field
    6. SelectContinue
    Change your GCKey two-factor authentication

    Using two-factor authentication each time you sign in protects your account. You'll need to choose a second authentication method beyond just your username and password.

    Setting up your method of two-factor authentication

    Change your two-factor authentication

    When setting up your two-factor authentication method you would have used one of the following methods:

    • Authenticator app (mobile or desktop device)
    • Email address

    You’ll need to ensure you can still access that method. If you don’t have access to your original method you will need to use one of your saved recovery codes.

    Follow these steps to change your two-factor authentication method:

    My Service Canada Account (MCSA)

    Instructions for how to change your two-factor authentication method for your My Service Canada Account (MCSA).

    If you still have access to your two-factor method
    1. sign into your account with your GCKey username and password
    2. select Continue on the Welcome page
    3. use your current two-factor method
    4. then select the Change your two-factor authentication button on the Authentication success page
    5. follow the prompts to set up two-factor authentication again
    6. save your new recovery codes somewhere safe. Your old codes will no longer work
    If you don't have access to your two-factor method
    Use a saved recovery code
    1. sign into your account with your GCKey username and password
    2. select Continue on the Welcome page
    3. select the Recover account button on the Two-Factor authentication page
    4. enter one of the recovery codes you saved when you first set up two-factor authentication in the Recovery code field
    5. select Continue
    6. then select the Change your two-factor authentication button on the Authentication success page
    7. select Continue
    8. then select the Change your two-factor authentication button on the Authentication success page
    No recovery codes

    A list of recovery codes to save was provided when you first selected your two-factor authentication method. If you don't have them you will have to create a new account. You should:

    1. register for a new account and sign up for a new GCKey username and password
    2. save your new set of recovery codes when you add two-factor authentication
    3. after you register, you may be able to recover your account or link existing applications to your new account
    Manage your recovery email address

    If you selectManage Your Email Address:

    1. Enter your current password in the first field
    2. Review theCurrent Email Addressfield, as it contains the email address you currently have registered with GCKey
    3. Enter the new email address you want to register in theNew Email Addressfield
    4. Re-enter that email address in theConfirm Your New Email Addressfield
    5. SelectContinue

    Note: If you don't want to have an email address associated with your GCKey account you can remove your email address. Removing your email address will make it harder to recover your username and password if you forget them.

    To remove your email address:

    1. Go to Manage Your Email Address
    2. Choose Remove Email Address

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    What to do if your GCkey has been revoked

    If your GCKey username and password have been revoked, you cannot recover them.

    You'll need to register for the service again. When registering:

    • you can change to a different sign-in method or choose to Register with GCKey and then use the Sign up button on the Welcome to GCKey page to make a new GCKey username and password
    • you may be able to recover your existing user profile or link existing applications to your new account

    Why GCKeys are revoked

    If your GCKey has been revoked, it is most likely due to one of the following reasons:

    • Your GCKey has expired - the system requires you to use your GCKey at least once every two years
    • Your GCKey username and password have been compromised. Don’t use the same username and password you use for GCKey for any other online accounts.

    Sign up for a new GCKey username and password and reconnect it to your accounts

    If your GCKey has been revoked but you still want to use GCKey to access your Government of Canada online accounts, you can register for a new GCKey username and password.

    To reconnect your account if you create a new GCKey username and password:

    1. On the sign-in page for the account you want to use, select the GCKey button (sign in/ log in/ register with GCKey)
      • List of accounts
    2. On the Welcome to GCKey page, select the Sign Up button and make a new GCKey username and password
    3. Follow all the steps as if you are registering for a new account
    4. During this process you may be able to recover your account or link exisiting applications to your new account
    Revoke your GCKey

    If you no longer want to use GCKey, you can revoke your GCKey username and password. This action cannot be undone.

    To revoke your GCKey, first,sign in with GCKey:

    1. On the sign-in page for the account you want to use, select the GCKey button (sign in/ log in/ register with GCKey)
      • List of accounts
    2. Go to the Revoke Your GCKey link
    3. Enter your password in the Enter Your Current Password field
    4. Select Continue
    5. On the Revoke GCKey Complete page select Continue

    Note:When you Revoke your GCKey it can no longer be used. You'll no longer be able to access any Government of Canada online services that you registered for using this GCKey. To re-establish access to government online services you can sign up for a new GCKey username and password and re-enrol with each of the services you wish to use.

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    GCKey help - Canada.ca (2024)
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    Article information

    Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

    Last Updated:

    Views: 6145

    Rating: 5 / 5 (60 voted)

    Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

    Birthday: 1993-06-17

    Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

    Phone: +9779049645255

    Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

    Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

    Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.